Monday, November 17, 2008

Here is what We did with our Aunt Amy. We ate Chic-Fil- A for lunch.
We went to Claire's and Kate's favorite store Aeropostale and then we went to go get a cookie. We also went to another store but I am not sure how to spell it. It was a lot of fun!! :)
Also today was Piano. It was SO fun!
I passed the journal with Leslie and Kate and Emily passed the journal. Here is a cute picture of Sam and Cooper!

1 comment:

Madeline and Lainey said...

Hi Maddy,
I had a lot of fun at the Mall the other day. I love your pictures of sam and cooper .it is so cute. thanks for inviting me to your blog . :):):):):):):):):):):)
thank you for tagging me on your blog. :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)