Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Here is a tag that Kate did on her new blog.
1. If you could describe yourself as a color, what color would it be? Blue
2. What are your favorite animals? Cheetah and a dog
What is your favorite musical instrument? piano
4. Do you have a favorite number? 22
5. Roller coasters or boat rides? Roller Coasters
6. If you were an animal, what would you be? Cheetah
What coin best describes you? I don't know
8. Do you like tags? Yes
9. Do you wish this tag would end? No
10. Morning or evening? Both.
11. Mugs or just plain cups? Either..
12. Describe yourself as a: Cheetah Girls fan, who has loved them from the beginning
13. fiction or non-fiction? non-fiction
14. Do you wish you were someone else? no
15. Do you like candy or do you not like candy? Yes
I will tag: Everybody

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